
Ultra-multiplex PCR Primer Sets Design

透過強大的生物資訊計算,設計標靶次世代定序技術(targeted Next Generation Sequencing, tNGS) 使用超多重PCR(Ultra-multiplex PCR)來進行檢測,配合各種定序平台,用於一次檢測數百乃至上千個的目標序列(Target regions)。 在有限的檢體量實驗成本下,增加樣本中目標序列資訊、提高專一性及檢出靈敏度,大幅減少定序數據量,從而實現性能及成本的雙重優化。











康健客製化 超多重PCR

常規PCR 多重PCR 超多重PCR
待擴增樣品模版(DNA/RNA) 待擴增樣品模版(DNA/RNA) 待擴增樣品模版(DNA/RNA)
一對特異性引物(Primers) 多對特異性引物(Primers) 成百上千對特異性引物(Primers)
DNA聚合酶 (polymerase) DNA聚合酶 (polymerase) DNA聚合酶 (polymerase)
擴增底物dNTPs 擴增底物dNTPs 擴增底物dNTPs
含有Mg2+的反應緩衝液 含有Mg2+的反應緩衝液 含有Mg2+的反應緩衝液
跑膠/一代定序/QPCR 多重QPCR/飛行質譜 高通量定序


Application Level Item
Metagenome 16S A Data QC and aligned(OTU to species level)
B Alpha-diversity
C (With sample grouping information)
Significant difference analysis
Network of co-occurrence and counteraction
Pathway enrichment
Metagenome shotgun A 1. Data QC and MAG assembly 2. MAG annotation and abundance calculation
B Alpha-diversity
C (With sample grouping information)
Significant difference analysis
Network of co-occurrence and counteraction
Pathway enrichment
RNA-Seq (Quantification) A 1 Data filtering includes removing adaptors, contamination and low-quality reads from raw reads;
2 Assessment of sequencing (Statistics of raw reads, Sequencing saturation analysis, Analysis of the distribution of reads on reference gene);
3 Gene expression analysis
4 Differential gene expression analysis (two or more samples should be provided);
5 Gene ontology enrichment analysis of DEGs;;
6 Pathway enrichment analysis of DEGs;
B Protein-protein interaction network analysis

Eukaryotic Small RNA sequencing
A 1 Remove adaptors, low quality tags as well as contaminants to get clean reads;
2 Summarize the length distribution of small RNA;
3 Identify rRNAs, tRNAs, snRNAs, etc. by aligning to Rfam and Genbank databases;
4 Identify known miRNAs by aligning to designated part of miRBase Annotate small RNAs into several categories based on priority;
5 Expression analysis of known miRNAs
6 Differential expression analysis of known miRNA (two or more samples should be provided)
B 1 Predict novel miRNAs and their secondary structures
2 Target genes prediction of novel known miRNA and miRNA;
3 GO annotation and KEGG pathway analysis of known miRNA and novel miRNA Target genes;
4 Differential expression analysis of novel miRNA (two or more samples should be provided)
5 Target genes prediction of differential miRNA (the sequence of coding genes should be provided, two or more samples should be provided);
6 GO annotation and KEGG pathway analysis of differential miRNA Target genes (two or more samples should be provided)
Human whole genome resequencing A 1 Data filtering (removing adaptors, contamination, and low-quality reads from raw reads)
2 Assessment of sequencing quality, including data production statistics, sequencing depth distribution and coverage uniformity
3 Align reads to the human reference genome
4 SNP calling
5 SNP annotation (annotate each SNP with dbSNP database, 1000 Genomes Project database, ClinVar, etc.)
6 InDel calling
7 InDel annotation (annotate each InDel with dbSNP database, 1000 Genomes Project database, etc)
Whole Exome Sequencing
A 1 Data filtering (removing adaptors, contamination, and low-quality reads from raw reads)
2 Assessment of sequencing quality, including data production statistics, sequencing depth distribution and coverage uniformity
3 Align reads to the human reference genome
4 SNP calling
5 SNP annotation (annotate each SNP with dbSNP database, 1000 Genomes Project database, ClinVar, etc.)
6 InDel calling
7 InDel annotation (annotate each InDel with dbSNP database, 1000 Genomes Project database, ClinVar, etc)
Genome de novo assembly
Animal Genome
A Standard Bioinformatics Analysis
1 Data filtering
1.1 Filtering adapters and low quality data;
1.2 Data production and quality control.
2 Genome assembly
2.1 Assembly
2.2 Analysis of GC-Depth distribution
2.3 Analysis of GC-Content distribution
2.4 Analysis of sequence depth
3 Annotation
3.1 Repeat annotation
3.2 Gene prediction (ORF prediction)
3.3 Gene function Annotation
3.4 Non-coding RNA annotation (tRNA, snoRNA, etc)

Bacterial re-sequencing
A 1 Data Statistics
1.1 Filtering adapters and low quality data;
1.2 Data production and quality control.
2 Summary of assembly
3 Genome Component
3.1 Gene component;
3.2 Repeat Sequence;
3.3 Non-codingRNA;
4 Gene function
4.1 Gene functional annotation (GO, KEGG, COG, etc);
4.2 Pathway annotation
B 1 Comparative genomic analysis
1.1 Structural Variation (Synteny analysis);
1.2 Evolution analysis

Bacterial sequencing (single strain)
A 1 Data Statistics
1.1 Filtering adapters and low quality data;
1.2 Data production and quality control.
2 Summary of assembly
3 Genome Component
3.1 Gene component;
3.2 Repeat Sequence;
3.3 Non-codingRNA;
4 Gene function
4.1 Gene functional annotation (GO, KEGG, COG, etc);
4.2 Pathway annotation
B 1 Comparative genomic analysis
1.1 Structural Variation (Synteny analysis);
1.2 Evolution analysis


16S Anaysis

GenomeAssembly_nanopore Analysis

dRNA_ Nanopore analysis